State of the Salish Sea Report Media Coverage & Quotes



This report is a welcome and overdue assessment of a culturally and ecologically important region. It brings new perspective to the interconnectedness of habitats we depend upon by getting us to think beyond borders, but within the context of our dependence on Salish Sea resources. Indeed, it highlights how our dependence and admiration of the Salish Sea may be the very thing that threatens its future. More importantly, the report offers solutions and invites everyone to think critically about their role in turning the tide. It’s an informative and inspiring assessment.

Lucas Hart

Executive Director of the Northwest Straits Commission

“This is a timely report that shares how much has changed in the Salish Sea, and how much is at risk if we do not change course. Our legacies will be defined by the next few years, and I’m hopeful that people will take action for future generations.”

Mindy Roberts

Puget Sound Program Director for Washington Environmental Council and Washington Conservation Voters, and co-author of We Are Puget Sound, Discovering and Recovering the Salish Sea

“The health and sustainability of the Salish Sea is intertwined into the Coast Salish People’s lives, bloodlines and culture. We are the caretakers of this great place we have called home since time immemorial. Thus the Coast Salish are the first scientists of the Salish Sea, as our cultural laws and traditional knowledge are found in each of our songs, names, stories, and teachings all come from the land, water, air and resources. We are honored to be part of the State of the Salish Sea project with Western Washington University Salish Institute, and we honor the partnership and respect in which our Coast Salish People have been treated as the First People of the Salish Sea.” 

First Nation Summit Co Chair Ray Harris, Tulalip Tribes Patti Gobin, CSG Coordinator Debra Lekanoff, and Sumas Nation Chief Dalton Silver

“This is an exceptional and unique report. It represents a landmark effort to understand how the Salish Sea social-ecological system works, what is causing it to change, and what we can do about it. The report will be essential reading for scientists, marine managers, industry and civic leaders, and everyone interested in the health of the marine environment of this place that we call home.”

Ian Perry

Emeritus scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Nanaimo, British Columbia, and a member of Science Advisory Committee for the report

“Thorough and credible, the State of the Salish Sea report is a long-overdue, evidence-based assessment of the condition of the Salish Sea ecosystem. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment is that Dr. Sobocinski’s team captured the wakening of scientists, managers, and citizens to the fact that the Georgia and Juan de Fuca Straits and Puget Sound comprise one integrated ecosystem.”

Ronald Thom

Immediate Past President of the Washington State Academy of Sciences and staff scientist emeritus of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Laboratory at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory