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Policy Brief:
Learning from the Past: Governing Transboundary Nooksack River Flooding
Regina Jefferies, Kit Hager

The severe flooding along the Nooksack River in November 2021 was the latest in a long history of floods in which the Nooksack’s waters flow north across the international boundary between the US and Canada. This Border Brief sets out to identify the current barriers to effective governance of the transboundary flooding issues of the Nooksack River, and to provide recommendations to improve cross-border collaboration in the future.
Policy Brief:
Strengthening Collaboration Between Washington State and British Columbia
Ginny Broadhurst, Laurie D. Trautman

There are a variety of benefits that arise from collaboration across the Canada-US border. However, how does one measure the value of having good relations with neighbors? Or the benefits that result from developing more resilient environmental and economic conditions that are created by joint responses to shared natural disasters? The value of cross-border collaboration is far reaching and the benefits of strengthening it through a formal mechanism have intrinsic value to the quality of life of both British Columbians and Washingtonians.
Workshop Summery Report:
Basking Sharks in the Salish Sea and Beyond
Romney McPhie, et al.

Now almost forgotten, the Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) - the 2nd largest fish on the planet and the largest in our shared waters - used to be abundant from British Columbia, Canada to Baja California, Mexico. Hunted and persecuted for decades, they have since virtually disappeared from the coastal waters of the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Today, most residents are unaware that this fascinating, gentle giant ever graced our waters, making the Basking Shark a sad “poster fish” for the “shifting baseline syndrome”.